Tonight, Bad Boyz (1575 Bessemer Rd, Birmingham AL), 10 pm, after the Super Bowl, we are shooting a movie scene. Dress like its the Magic City Classic Weekend and show up. maid of honor garments in royal purple
Movie Shoot Extras needed:
What: Filming a club/fight scene for black romantic/comedy "The Classic Wedding", starring EJ Maiden .
When: Sunday Night, Feb 4th.
Where: Wine Down at Bad Boyz , 1575 Bessemer Rd, Birmingham AL, courtesy of Clifford Scroggins and the Bad Boyz family.
Time: Filming to start at 10 pm, after the Super Bowl, directed by Brent Barnes / Amie Scott and produced by Dedric Turner /Turner Films.
Wardrobe: Magic City Classic Weekend attire. Extras wearing ASU/AAMU attire will be moved closer to the shooting area, for effect.
This is your chance to be a part of a movie that predominantly features the culture of Birmingham. See you all there!